
I have my own rights to type in here whatever I want, whatever I have i mind.
those who feels insulted or in one way or another think I'm relating anything about you, that's your own problem.


early morning, headed out to the east. Met up with some of my cousins. Theeeennn, we decided to get some drinks from 7-eleven. Just outside the outlet, a man accidentally spilt about 500 bucks onto the ground. Our eyes were wide open with shock, only for one of my most honest cousins to shout out loud, EH MONEY FELL OFF HIS BAG!!!

Wtf. wtf. wtf. wtf. wtf. wtf. wtf. wtf. wtf. wtf. wtf. wtf. wtf. wtf. wtf. wtf. wtf.

We just saw our lives flash before our eyes. URGGGHHH. Tough luck.