
I have my own rights to type in here whatever I want, whatever I have i mind.
those who feels insulted or in one way or another think I'm relating anything about you, that's your own problem.


Late for work for the first time on the 22nd. arrived 2 hours later, 'cause I thought I was in the afternoon shift. Turns out that I was supposed to do full shift then. Luckily my IC didn't screamed her ass off. Partly due to my little white lies. heh.

Just before closing shop on the 23rd, more customers started to stream in. probably due to seeing the 'last day offer' sign posted on a board. had to close shop pretty much later, aaaaand, IC treated us to pizzas! cool or what. had games, and left work at around 11.30pm. slept at 2am plus and guess what?

I didn't turn up for work yesterday. It was raining, you see. and the weather was oh, so cooling. I was simply magnestised to the bed and the atmosphere was very appealing for sleeping. Sent a text msg to IC claiming to be sick. hehehehe. unfortunately, I had to miss out on the free KFC meal that my work had provided.

Mad full use of my 'off' day doing.... err, now I'm not quite sure what I did though. But I'm pretty sure I gotta go work today.
